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来源:出国劳务网 时间:2024-05-23 作者:出国劳务网 浏览量:

 Amber decides to do some more shopping. Since her budget is limited, she asks Ethabella where she can stretch her dollars to the limit. How do you save money in America?

 Amber:Good morning, Ethabella. Have a good Sleep?

 Ethabella:Sure did. You?

 Amber:Me too. Where’s the best deal in town?

 Ethabella:Probably at Saver’s Mart. It’s like a huge warehouse. You can find just about anything there.

 Amber:Sounds like the right place to start. Where’s the nearest flea market?

 Ethabella:Just 3 blocks north of here.

 Amber:OK, see you later (she goes to Saver’s Mart an d gets into a discussion with a vendor) How long will this be on sale?

 Vendor:3 days.

 Amber:Is there a limit to how many I can purchase?

 Vendor:Yes, there is a limit of 5 per customer.

 Amber:Do I get a better price if I buy in bulk?

 Vendor:Sorry. No disCounts on sales items, not even if you have any coupons.

 Amber:Of course. Well, I’ll take two, please (she concludes the purchase, then heads for the flea market. Maybe she can bargain a little more there?)

 Amber决定再去买些东西。由于自己的经济预算有限,她问 Ethabella 哪儿的东西比较便宜。在美国怎样省钱呢?



 Amber: 我也睡得很好。城里哪儿卖东西最便宜啊?


 Amber: 听起来是个不错的地方,可以从那儿开始。最近的跳蚤市场在哪里?


 Amber: 那好,待会儿见。(她独自一人去了旧货市场,很快就和一位摊主谈了起来) 这个打折会打多长时间?







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